Shoulder Rehab 1: A Full-Day ESSA-Accredited Workshop now available online
Take your shoulder rehabilitation expertise to the next level with Shoulder Rehab 1, an engaging workshop designed for rehab professionals. This course blends theory and clinical practice, providing practical tools and insights to help you tackle a broad range of shoulder conditions with confidence.
This workshop integrates the key elements of shoulder presentations frequently seen in the rehabilitation setting and is a blend of practical and theory to enable confident application of concepts to your clients immediately following the course.
The program for the series includes key elements of subjective and physical assessment, problem and dysfunction identification and clinical reasoning to help you decipher the key findings and establish the ideal starting points for your rehabilitation program ahead.
A range of common presentations, key assessment findings and rehabilitation considerations are also interwoven through the workshop including
Clinical rationale always remains in focus, along with practical integration is taught through the course.
My goal with this course is to consolidate my decades of clinical experience in shoulder assessment and rehabilitation, biomechanical understanding and evidence based research in a format that is easy for you to pick up and apply safely and effectively with your shoulder client.
This workshop will provide credit for 8 hours of CPD
This workshop will be adapted to run
online over 5 weeks from Nov 27th from 730-9pm QLD time
Dates include - Nov 27, Dec 2, Dec 4, Dec 9th & Dec 11th.
Medically Focused Fitness